It never ceases to amaze me when I "google" the Internet, how little specific information there is about "real" restaurants, where "real" people, not tourists, prefer to dine. Such is the case with Magana's Tacos Restaurant Bar, located along Free Mexico Highway 1, in the small town of La Mision, about a half hour south of Tijuana. Photo: Magana's Tacos Restaurant Bar is located at KM 65, in the small town of La Mision, on the west side of FREE Mexico Highway 1. Most visitors take the scenic toll road, on the fast-track to Ensenada, but I prefer the back roads. Although Mgana's caters to highway traffic, which produces many tourists, the restaurant serves delicious, authentic Mexican cuisine, which makes a stop for breakfast totally worthwhile. Yes, Magana's is not located in Tijuana, but it is located within the Tijuana Municipality, so that is why I have it under "Tijuana Restaurants..." Photo: The restaurant features comfortable table, and bar stool seating. The menu, posted in both Spanish and English, mentions many favorites, including BREAKFAST!!!! It's 1030 on Monday, September 10, 2010, and I'm in the mood for breakfast. Photo: Magana's features an open kitchen that is easily photographed. Many restaurants in Mexico feature open kitchens, or if the kitchen isn't open, all you have to do is walk in, take a photo, and leave. In the 40+ years I've visited Mexico, I've only been kicked out of a kitchen only a handful of times. Photo: My smiley server brings my breakfast to my table. She was very shy, and it took a lot of "smoozing" on my part for her to open up to me, and to allow me to snap her photo. Of course she didn't speak English, which goes to show that although La Mision is located only 25 or so miles south of the border, it behooves the visitor to know at least a smattering of Spanish when visiting Mexico. Photo: I asked the server gal to take my photo, which she gladly did. Sadly, I neglected to get her name, shame on me! Photo: My breakfast was not on the menu, so I just told them what I wanted, which is the customary thing to do in Mexico. Gee, I'm glad I know something about Mexican culture! My breakfast of corn tortillas, refried beans, fried potatoes, chorizo and two eggs over easy. This is my favorite breakfast! In Mexico, as in the U.S.A., most folks like their chorizo scrambled with the eggs, but I prefer eggs over easy, and I like the chorizo separate. So, I just tell my server, and I get it, "my way!" Magana's Tacos Restaurant Bar serves a great breakfast! Photo: As I was about ready to leave the restaurant, a hilarious drama unfolded. Baja California is mostly open range, and the small town of La Mision is no exception. Two horses left their pasture, and wandered onto Mexico Highway 1, which passes through the "heart" of La Mision. The "free" highway sees only local traffic, as NO tourists use the "free" highway, as it's slow, it's modestly engineered, and it's full of pot holes, so the traffic is quite light. Anyway, the two stray horses were causing quite a commotion with the local traffic, and along came a municipal policeman, who honked his horn, blew his siren, and did everything he could to get the horses off the highway. He even opened his bullhorn, and shouted something like "Caballos chingados! Bájese de la carretera de mierda!" - Spanish for "Fucking horses! Get of the g.d. highway!" - in an attempt to get them off the road. I last saw him, as documented in this photo, chasing them north, along Free Mexico Highway 1. This impromptu chase made my day! For the uninformed, I mentioned that La Mision is located within the Tijuana municipality, as per the reason that I'm including this article under "Tijuana Restaurants." In Mexico, a "municipality" is roughly equivalent to a county in the U.S.A., although a municipality enjoys more freedom from the Mexican state than a county does in the U.S.A. As I was sitting in my car, taking notes, a gentleman approached me, and in broken English, asked me why I was taking photos. He identified himself as the owner of the restaurant, and I, basically, attempted to explain to him my mission, what I do, and how it actually benefits him. He either didn't get it, or was in a bad mood, so I left with a not-so-happy impression, and I probably won't return to the restaurant, for that reason. Magana's
Tacos Restaurant Bar Copyright(c) 2012 eRench Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. This site has been on the web since December 22, 2002. Web page design has been created by eRench Productions, Inc., custon photography for any occasion...