Sunday, March 18, 2012 was an interesting day in Tijuana, as the weather could be described, in a word, as "chaotic," as the name of the game was rain, wind, thundershowers and hail. So around 1300, when the skies closed in, I decided to weather the strom at the friendly confines of El Museo Restaurant, located near the Tijuana arch, at Calle First and Av. Revolución, to drink some beer, and enjoy a delicious lunch. Photo: Restaurant El Museo is located near the base of the famous Tijuana arch, and at Calle 123 and Av. Revolución, which is the main tourist walk to downtown Tijuana. Although this restaurant caters to the gringo tourist trade, if offers authentic Mexican cuisine, at very reasonable prices. Photo: El Museo Restaurant features a full service bar, and lots of comfortable seating. They also have big screen televisions with the current sports playing... or Mexican soap operas, which are a always favorite of local residents. Anyway, this Norteamericano guy doesn't seem to be feeling any pain, as he takes refuge from today's driving thunderstorms. Photo: My friendly server, Carlos, delivers a plate of chips to me. Carlos speaks perfect English, and he's a very friendly guy. When you order an entree at Restaurant El Museo, you receive a plate of chips, garnished with cheese and salsa, that would cost you many dollars at other restaurants. Photo: My order of chips, and my favorite brand of beer, Pacifico. What a way to wait our a storm, as I spend a couple of hours on this Sunday afternoon at El Museo avoiding the thundershowers. In mid March, Tijuana is normally very mild, but on this Sunday, there was wind, rain, hail, and I was glad that I had decided to wear my rain parka. Photo: I can't resist taking a kitchen photo, as kitchens aren't off-limits in Mexico, as they are in the 'states. The photo shows the chef preparing my order of "Ensenada Style Fish Tacos." Oh yes! Photo: Carlos took the photo, as he delivered my plate of fish tacos to me on this rainy Sunday afternoon, in Tijuana. I chose to dine outside, despite the rain, but I was protected from the elements by a great awning. Most patrons chose to dine inside, but I prefer to dine outside every chance I get, even on a rainy afternoon. Photo: What a lunch! Pacifico beer,which is my favorite beer, two "Ensenada Style Fish Tacos," salsa, and chips.... I weathered-out the thundershowers under the inviting roof of El Museo Restaurant, as I was protected from the rain, yet I got to watch all of the action and do my three favorite things: 1... Eat 2... Drink 3... Be merry! So El Museo Restaurant seems to fulfill my aspirations... Photo: My order of two tacos, "Ensenada Style," at El Museo. Darn! These tacos were crispy, crunchy, and to "die for..." Great food! If you're a fan of authentic Mexican cuisine, then you're probably afraid to visit a restaurant, located near the Tijuana arch... I share your sentiments. But, as a fan of Mexican food, I can highly recommend El Museo Restaurant as a restaurant of choice, as the food is delicious, reasonably priced, and the staff certainly rocks the world! El
Museo Restaurant Copyright(c) 2012 eRench Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. This site has been on the web since December 22, 2002. Web page design has been created by eRench Productions, Inc., custon photography for any occasion...