Restaurant Nelson is located inside the landmark Hotel Nelson, which is located at the southwest corner of First and Av. Revolución, across the street from the famous Tijuana arch. The restaurant claims that they've been in business since 1955, and I have no doubt that is true. In the over forty years that I've been visiting Tijuana, for some strange reason, I'd never eaten at the hotel restaurant, as I tend to avoid hotel restaurants. On Sunday afternoon, September 9, 2012, all things changed, as I enjoyed a delicious lunch at Restaurant Nelson. Photo: Like many restaurants in Mexico, Restaurant Nelson is open to the street, and in their spare time, waiters and bartenders stand on the sidewalk, in front of the restaurant, to chat with pedestrians and to lure them inside. I didn't need to be "lured," as the tall barstools and the open bar, with the promise of outstanding people-watching, was enough to get me to park myself on a bar stool. Photo: Restaurant Nelson offers inside dining, outside dining, and patio dining, inside a semi-enclosed patio. Note the attractive cobblestone floor and the big screen television. The diners are being treated to one of the many mariachi bands that ply the streets of downtown Tijuana. The music isn't free, as you're expected to pay each guy about a dollar per song... Things are inexpensive in Mexico, but nothing is free... Photo: Hotel Nelson has a full-service bar, and on this Sunday afternoon, it was tended by Jorge. My waiter, Gustavo, is at the counter, ready to deliver another margarita to a thirsty customer. Both gentlemen are nice guys, and speak perfect English. Restaurant Nelson will gladly take dollars, but I had a stash of pesos, which I used. The guys were a bit surprised at my Spanish, and the fact that I paid in pesos, but I told them, "Cuando en México, habla español y la paga con pesos," and that got a laugh out of them. Photo: I pose with my plate of fish tacos, as waiter Gustavo takes my photo. Photo: My lunch of three fish tacos, chips, salsa and one of three beers. The total price was MEX $710.00, which is just a little over $6.00! The lunch was on the high side, by Mexican standards, but dirt cheap north of the border. You pay over $9.00 for a beer at a 49er's game.... so this was an inexpensive lunch. Although Restaurant Nelson is located in the tourist zone, and does a brisk business with visitors, the food is authentic, Northern Mexican cuisine, and it's as good as it gets... Photo: Close-up photos of a delicious fish taco, as served at Restaurant Nelson. The food isn't fancy, but it's super good, and the price is right. I don't eat fancy food, so to me, this is as good as it gets... Yes, Restaurant Nelson does a brisk business with tourists, as it's an anchor at the northern end of Av. Revolución, where all of the tourists flock. However, the food is good, it's inexpensive, and it's the genuine article, and best of all, many Tijuana locals dine at Restaurant Nelson. It's a great place to enjoy good food, wonderful Mexican beer, and a fantastic people-watching spot. Yeah!!! Restaurant
Nelson Copyright(c) 2012 eRench Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. This site has been on the web since December 22, 2002. Web page design has been created by eRench Productions, Inc., custon photography for any occasion...